Santorini, often referred to as the “Jewel of the Aegean,” is a breathtaking island in Greece known for its stunning sunsets, crystal-clear waters, and iconic white-washed buildings. It’s no wonder that Santorini has become a dream destination for couples seeking a picturesque backdrop for their wedding day. In this post, we’ll explore the enchanting beauty …
Kenroku-en Garden – Most Beautiful Gardens in Japan
Keonroku-en is one of the 3 most beautiful gardens in Japan. Learn why is consider so beautiful, where is located and how visit it?
French Countryside Road Trip to the Aubrac
A relaxing road trip through the French Countryside that begins by crossing the Millau bridge, and entering the Aveyron department, in order to arrive to one of the most isolated and least populated lands in French territory, and one of the great natural parks in France: the Aubrac. Enjoying kilometers of nature and many cows, …
Spring Travels: to Santorini from Athens
At the beginning of this year, in the very first days of January, I ventured to visit Greece in winter, and among others, I was in Santorini. The truth is that I loved it a lot, and I wanted much more of this island, so I decided to return in the spring to see what …
How much cost a trip to Moorea island?
Surely if you hear about French Polynesia, the first reference will be Bora Bora Island, but you know that there are hundreds of islands, and among them, there is one that I appreciate very much: Moorea island. Just 10 minutes from Tahiti, this island has many advantages. Taking advantage of the fact that I am …