Can US citizens travel to Europe? Now it’s open!
With all the travel restrictions worldwide, while you don’t stop dreaming about nights in Mikonos, Wine in France, and food in Italy, surely a question came to your mind: Can US citizens travel to Europe this summer. The happy answer is YES!!… Since 9th June the doors of Europe are open to American citizens.
Here all the requirements before starting packing, its ot very complicated and you can start dreaming with travel to Europe again:
Do I need the vaccine?
YES you do, even if some countries like France, will you let you enter with a negative PCR. You will not be able to move a lot inside Europe without pass a PCR every 72h. But its’ your decision!
In Europe, you’ll need an electronic Sanitary Passport for avoiding quarantine, and you get this passport with a negative PCR ( less than 72h), a vaccination certificate; or proof of recovery from Covid.
In some cases youl’ll need this certificate for accesing to museus, spectacles and in some countries for entering to restaurants and bars.
Certificates in English are accepted.

Sanitary Passport for Europe (Digital Green Certificate)
This passport will facilitate free movement during Covid pandemic within the European Union. This certificate will prove that you have:
-Being vaccinated with a vaccine approved for the EU: Pfizer-Biontech, AstraZeneca or Moderna, OR
-Received a recent negative test result (valid only 72h and Autotest are not accepted), OR
-Recovered from Covid and present a certificate with date of issuance
Do I need a PCR Test?
YES! and NO! , You need a test but could be also an Antigen Test. You must hold a negative result of either a biological examination of virological screening (RT-PCR, PCR, qRT-PCR, qPCR, RT-LAMP, LAMP, TMA, antigen or detection of RNA only) or a biological test enabling the detection of the N protein of SARS-COV-2 where the test is carried out less than 72 hours before the flight.
For antigen test: it must be performed within 48 hours prior to arrival.
The test certificate must be in German, English, French, Italian or Spanish, and is accepted in either digital or printed format.

Can US citizens travel to Europe without quarantine?
In some countries, you need to respect a quarantine if you have been in some specific countries before traveling to Europe.
In other countries, you have to respect 5 or 7 days of quarantine, even if you are vaccinated or tested negative.
The best is to check the requirement by country depending on your interests.
In this article of Forbes, you will find a lot of information with links for every country: July EU Travel Restrictions, Covid-19 Test Requirements, Quarantine By Country

Checking requirements by EU Country
We always use the page TRAVEL DOC because it is perfect for getting updated information for each destination, taking into account travel origin and nationality.
Do not forget that restrictions change almost everyday, so keep you inform until the day of your travel.
Is it safe to travel to Europe in 2021?
At this moment Delta variant circulates inside Europe (like in a lot of countries, including the US), in some countries or region restrictions are back, but they are not so hard like it could have been in past.
The vaccination level has notably increased in all european countries and it is as high as could be in several regions in the US.
Every country has a different level risk and it changes daily, so we invite you to check the statistics and recommendations before traveling in order to decide what is better for you.
Prevent the spread of Covid
If you decide to travel, remember that it is important to continue to prevent Covid. Even if we have fewer restrictions it does not mean that the disease has disappeared. So please, respect the prevention recommendations.